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Nurses Speak Out for Clean Water, Urge Upstream Approach to Improve Public Health

Too often, health professionals are called on to treat patients with conditions that could have been prevented — with quality primary care, lifestyle and environment changes or (these days, especially) vaccines.

Frustrated and exhausted, we seek “upstream” solutions to the problems that fill our hospitals and waiting rooms.

That is why nurses are speaking up on environmental issues. We know that clean air and water are foundational to good health. And on clean water, the solutions we need are — quite literally — upstream.

A new report by the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments spotlights threats to water quality in the U.S. today, and shows how nurses across the country are taking action to address them.

25. mar, 2022
Shocking investigation into avocado oil finds nearly all of them are adulterated with cheap soybean oil

(Natural News) Over the past several years, avocado oil has really grown in popularity due to the many known health benefits of avocado fruit. But is all avocado oil created equally? Not exactly.

New research published in the journal Food Control has found that, much like olive oil, avocado oil purity and quality varies dramatically.

The report found that the vast majority of commercially available avocado oils labeled as “extra virgin” and “refined” are adulterated and / or of poor quality. A whopping 82 percent were also found to have gone rancid before their expiration date.!

28. des, 2021
Ny korona-studie: D-vitamin gir lavere sannsynlighet for alvorlig sykdom

Koronapasienter har 60 prosent større sjanse for å overleve når de ble behandlet med D-vitamin. Og de som ikke fikk D-vitamin hadde fire ganger større sannsynlighet for å trenge intensivbehandling. Det viser en studie ved Hospital del Mar i Barcelona i Spania.

Studien er ikke ennå fagfellevurdert. Men resultatene peker i samme retning som flere andre studier om D-vitamin kan hjelpe mot alvorlig covid-19-sykdom.

Forskere flere steder i verden har spekulert på om det er noe spesielt med stoffet kroppen lager når det ultrafiolette lyset fra solen treffer huden.

Flere studier bekrefter en sterk sammenheng mellom et lavt D-vitaminnivå og alvorlig covid-19, skriver Dagens Medisin. D-vitamin ser særlig ut til å styrke kroppens forsvar mot virale luftveisinfeksjoner.

18. feb, 2021
26. jan, 2021

Nyeste kommentarer

15.10 | 23:10

Avacado handler mest om et "gammelt" syn på fett, så jeg ville nok ikke pers...

15.10 | 23:07

Hei Irene Kokos kan forverre fordøyelsen til Blodtype O, så bør unngås ved ...

15.10 | 05:07

Hva er grunnen for å ikke inkludere kokos og Avocado for type O? Viktig ...

01.08 | 21:43

Hei. Det har du helt rett i. Har vært litt hektisk en periode, så har ikk...