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Mainstream media sources continue to trumpet headlines about the decline in cancer rates leading many to believe that modern medicine has conquered this devastating disease through a systematic regimen of slashing, burning and poisoning. Yet nearly 1.7 million people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer this year and more than 550,000 will die from the number two killer of men, women and children. These statistics should not be surprising as millions of unsuspecting individuals continue to avoid lifestyle modifications that have been shown to dramatically lower the risk of cancer.

Many people would be amazed to know that there are a host of natural nutrients that have been scientifically validated to prevent, treat and halt the metastatic spread of some of the most invasive cancer lines. Researchers from the University of California Davis Health System have found that a product resulting from a metabolized omega-3 fatty acid helps combat cancer by cutting off the supply of oxygen and nutrients that fuel tumor growth and spread of the disease. They have published their findings in the prestigious journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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15.10 | 23:10

Avacado handler mest om et "gammelt" syn på fett, så jeg ville nok ikke personlig byttet den ut først :)
Lykke til :)

15.10 | 23:07

Hei Irene
Kokos kan forverre fordøyelsen til Blodtype O, så bør unngås ved helseproblemer.

15.10 | 05:07

Hva er grunnen for å ikke inkludere kokos og Avocado for type O? Viktig kilde til fett i mitt kosthold

01.08 | 21:43

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