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When modern medicine can’t solve a health issue, nature often comes to the rescue. Although many people believe that the latest cutting-edge medical developments surely must outperform anything that can be found in nature given the research and money that goes into development, studies like a recent one on cystic fibrosis patients prove that nature still has a valuable place in treating illnesses.

Researchers from Swansea University found that Manuka honey can help treat antimicrobial-resistant respiratory infections, especially the deadly kind that can strike people with cystic fibrosis.

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15.10 | 23:10

Avacado handler mest om et "gammelt" syn på fett, så jeg ville nok ikke personlig byttet den ut først :)
Lykke til :)

15.10 | 23:07

Hei Irene
Kokos kan forverre fordøyelsen til Blodtype O, så bør unngås ved helseproblemer.

15.10 | 05:07

Hva er grunnen for å ikke inkludere kokos og Avocado for type O? Viktig kilde til fett i mitt kosthold

01.08 | 21:43

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